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Dimensi Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Menurut Arends & Kilcher

Berpikir merupakan suatu proses mental untuk menghasilkan sebuah pengetahuan (knowledge). Berpikir tidak pernah lepas dari aktivitas manusia karena hal inilah yang membedakan manusia dengan makhluk hidup lainnya di muka bumi. Arends & Kilcher (2010:231) menguraikan “What exactly is meant by thinking?” seperti yang dikutip berikut ini.
...thinking consists of using particular skills and cognitive processes, currentefforts to identify these skills and processes have produced different and multiplelistings, and the exact nature of particular thinking processes remains somewhatundefined.

Selanjutnya, berpikir dibagi menjadi dua dimensi yang berbeda seperti yang dikutip berikut ini.

Most theorists and practitioners today also view thinking as having two distinct dimensions. The first dimension consists of a set of skills or abilities, such as being ableto recognize bias in an argument or to reach conclusions based on sound evidence. These skills are activated in problem solving situations and make thinking more effective. The second dimension consists of broad dispositions, or habits of mind, such as curiosity and open-mindedness
Dispositions are not thinking skills, but instead attitudes and habits of
mind about thinking that motivate and direct us to engage in thinking pursuits in the first placeAfter synthesizing the work of several researchers, dispositions grouped into three overarching categories.

·         Creative thinking: looking out, up, around, and about
1. Disposition to be open-minded: Thinking that works against narrowness and rigidity and ability to look at things from a different perspective or point of view.
2. Disposition to be curious: Thinking that propels one to explore our world and of finding the interesting and puzzling in all aspects of our intellectual and everyday lives.

·         Reflective thinking: looking within
3. Disposition to be metacognitive: Thinking that is thinking about one’s own thinking and the particular disposition to actively monitor, regulate, and evaluate one’s thinking.

·         Critical thinking: looking at, through, and in between
4. Disposition to be seeking truth and understanding: Thinking that takes a person deeper into the topic at hand and involves weighing evidence, testing hypotheses, and exploring applications and consequences.
5. Disposition to be strategic: Thinking that is organized, methodical, and planned to meet particular goals or solve particular problems.
6. Disposition to be skeptical: Thinking that is probing and that looks beneath the surface of things, ideas, and arguments.

(Arends & Kilcher, 2010:244).

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